Showing posts with label Read aloud Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Read aloud Books. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Did you know there is a benefit to reading the same books over and over?

 Benefits of Reading the 

Same Book Over & Over

Repeating, reviewing & remembering - Rereading Goodnight Moon for the twentieth time can feel annoying, but it is good for the child. The more the child hears a story, the more they understand and remember. 

The joy of reading- Letting your child choose the book you read to them helps them enjoy reading.

Bonding as a family- Reading together helps you bond as a family. Children and adults alike look forward to the bedtime story ritual.

Connecting to the story- Rereading stories helps the child connect with the characters and builds empathy and understanding. 

Fill in the Gaps- Sometimes, children have difficulty finding books they enjoy reading. So, rereading the old favorites helps fill the gap.

Fluency- Rereading helps improve word identification, increase fluency, help the child build confidence, and improve reading comprehension.

Our Favorites to reread:

Love You Forever by Robert Munsch

Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney

The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn 

You may also enjoy this post: Making Your Home Reader Friendly

You can also let Grammy & Grandpa read the same book for the 70th time. 

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Amazon and other online retailers.  If you use the links on my blog to make a purchase, I may get a small commission from the purchase. This will not change the price you pay, and I select the items you see on my blog.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

5 Books About Fall/Autumn

Books for Fall/Autumn Kids Will Love

Have the leaves started to change colors where you live? Grandpa and I have noticed a few trees with their colors changing. It is a beautiful time of year with all the vibrant fall colors. We decided to share a few fall books for you to check out.  

1. "Fletcher and the Falling Leaves" by Julia Rawlinson: This charming story follows a little fox who tries to save his favorite tree's falling leaves. It beautifully captures the changing colors of autumn and teaches about the cycle of nature. (4.9 stars on Amazon)

Fletcher and the Falling Leaves

2. "Leaf Man" by Lois Ehlert: The illustrations are created using actual fallen leaves in this imaginative book. Readers embark on a journey with Leaf Man, who travels with the wind, showcasing the beauty and diversity of autumn leaves. (4.8 stars on Amazon)

Leaf Man

3. "We're Going on a Leaf Hunt" by Steve Metzger: Inspired by the classic "We're Going on a Bear Hunt," this book takes readers on an adventurous leaf-hunting expedition. Children will enjoy the rhythmic text and vibrant illustrations as they explore the wonders of autumn. (4.8 stars on Amazon)

We're Going On a Leaf Hunt

4. "The Little Yellow Leaf" by Carin Berger: This gentle and poetic book tells the story of a little yellow leaf afraid to let go and fall from the tree. It's a tale about embracing change and finding courage in uncertain times. (4.7 stars on Amazon)

The Little Yellow Leaf

5. "Autumn Leaves" by Ken Robbins: With stunning close-up photographs of different leaves, this book offers a simple introduction to leaf identification and the beauty of autumn foliage. It's a visually captivating book for young nature enthusiasts. (4.4 stars on Amazon)

Autumn Leaves

These books capture the essence of autumn, from the vibrant colors of fall leaves to the sense of change and transition that the season brings. They provide opportunities for children to learn about nature, explore the wonders of fall, and appreciate the beauty of the changing seasons.

You can watch our Autumn Playlist, too, for more great read-aloud books about Fall.

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Affiliate, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost. Thanks!

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Early Childhood Reading is Important

 Early childhood reading is crucial for several reasons:

Parent reading to child

1. Language development: Reading to young children helps develop their language skills. It exposes them to new words, sentence structures, and vocabulary. This exposure enhances their communication skills, expands their vocabulary, and improves their ability to express themselves effectively.

Mother reading bedtime story

2. Cognitive development: Reading stimulates brain development in young children. It enhances their cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention span, and critical thinking. It also fosters their imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

3. Literacy skills: Early reading experiences lay the foundation for future literacy skills. Children exposed to books and reading at an early age develop a stronger foundation in reading, writing, and comprehension. They are more likely to become proficient readers and succeed academically in the long run.

Father reading to child

4. Emotional and social development: Reading promotes emotional bonding between parents or caregivers and children. It creates a positive and nurturing environment, fostering a sense of security and trust. Reading books with relatable characters and themes also helps children understand and manage their emotions. Furthermore, reading together can be a social activity that encourages conversation, shared experiences, and empathy.

5. Imagination and creativity: Books introduce children to new worlds, characters, and ideas, sparking their imagination and fueling creativity. Reading allows them to explore different perspectives, cultures, and experiences, broadening their horizons and fostering empathy and understanding.

Mother and child reading

6. Academic success: Early literacy skills significantly impact academic success. Children who develop strong reading skills early on are more likely to excel in school across various subjects. They have better comprehension, critical thinking abilities, and academic confidence.

7. Lifelong love for reading: Early exposure to reading can instill a lifelong love for books and reading. When children associate reading with joy, discovery, and quality time, they are more likely to continue reading independently as they grow older, reaping the numerous benefits throughout their lives.

Overall, early childhood reading sets the stage for a child's overall development and future academic success. It nurtures language, cognitive, emotional, and social skills while fostering a lifelong love for reading and learning.

Check out our read-aloud playlists on Grammy & Grandpa Read:

Read Aloud Board Books

Read Aloud Books For Toddlers

Counting Books Read Aloud

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

5 Popular Back To School Books For Kids

1. "A Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn: This heartwarming book follows a young raccoon named Chester as he learns to cope with separation anxiety on his first day of school. It reassures children that their parent's love is always with them, even when they are apart. Watch it on our YouTube channel.

2. "David Goes to School" by David Shannon: This book is part of the "David" series. In this book you watch the adventures and misadventures of David as he tries to navigate school. Despite David's occasional misbehavior, he learns some valuable lessons.  Watch this book on our YouTube channel.

3. "Llama Llama Misses Mama" by Anna Dewdney: In this Llama Llama series book, little Llama starts preschool and goes through a range of emotions while missing his mama. It's a comforting story that helps children navigate the emotions of separation and adjustment in a new school environment. Watch it here.

4. "The Pigeon Has to Go to School" by Mo Willems: The lively and opinionated Pigeon is reluctant to attend school. He has various excuses and fears about going to school but eventually discovers the excitement and fun of learning and making new friends. Watch Grandpa read aloud this story here.

5. "Pout-pout Fish Goes to School" by Deborah Diesen: Mr Fish is nervous to start school. He is worried because he does not know how to write his name, or how to do math. Then he discovers the school is the perfect place to learn these new skills. Watch Mr. Fish here.

These books can help children feel more prepared, confident, and excited about going back to school. They address common fears, emotions, and experiences associated with the start of a new school year, making them relatable and comforting reads.

All of the books listed are available to watch on our YouTube Channel: and we have created A Back To School Playlist with these specific books and a few others. We hope you will enjoy watching them.

Several of these books are available on The Kindle Unlimited App or on Audible Premium Plus or Audible Plus as well. (Audible is offering a FREE trial offer if you'd like to try it.)

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Affiliate I may receive a commission on links in this article, at no additional charge to you. 

Friday, July 28, 2023

10 Books About Summer

Ten Summer Children's Books

Summer Books

Ten beloved children's books that capture the spirit of summer:

1. "Summer in The Forest" by Rusty Finch

2. "Swimmy" by Leo Lionni

3. "Fancy Nancy: Sand Castles and Sand Palace" by Jane O'Connor

4. "Curious George Goes to the Beach" by Margret Rey

5. "The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!" by Mo Willems

*6. "Jamberry" by Bruce Degen

7. "Duck and Goose Go To The Beach" by Tad Hills

8. "The Watermelon Seed" by Greg Pizzoli

9. "Llama Llama Sand and Sun" by Anna Dewdney

10. "Seashells by the Seashore" by Marianne Berkes

These books offer delightful summer-themed adventures, explore the wonders of nature, and celebrate the joy of the season. I have placed a * by the books you can find on our YouTube channel. Remember to check with local libraries, bookstores, or online retailers for the availability and popularity of these books.

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Affiliate, I may receive a commission from links in this post.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Ideas For Celebrating Reading Achievements

Ideas For Celebrating Reading Achievements 

1. Reading party: Host a reading-themed party to celebrate reaching a reading milestone. Decorate the space with book-inspired decorations, serve snacks or treats mentioned in the book they completed, and invite friends or family members to join in the celebration. You can even incorporate activities or games related to the book's themes or characters.

2. Book-themed movie night: If the book your child completed has been adapted into a movie or has a related film, plan a special movie night where you watch the movie together. Compare and discuss the similarities and differences between the book and the film adaptation.

3. Create a reading display: Set up a display area to showcase your child's reading achievements. Use a bulletin board, shelf, or designated space to exhibit the books they have read, along with any certificates, bookmarks, or reading logs they have earned. This display serves as a visual reminder of their accomplishments and can inspire them to continue reading. 

4. Book-inspired art or craft project: Engage your child in a creative activity inspired by the book they completed. They can create artwork, illustrations, or crafts related to the story, characters, or themes. Display their creations or create a mini-exhibition to showcase their artistic interpretations. Here are a few ideas from Pinterest: Pigeon (Mo Willems books) Character Crafts (31 ideas)

5. Author or character dress-up day: Encourage your child to dress up as their favorite book character or even as the author of the book they completed. Help them put together a costume or outfit that reflects the character's appearance or personality. This can be a fun and imaginative way to celebrate their reading achievement.

Fancy Nancy Costume

6. Book donation or book swap: Instill a sense of giving and community by encouraging your child to donate the book they completed to a library, school, or charity organization. Alternatively, you can organize a book swap event where children can exchange their favorite books with friends or fellow readers. This promotes sharing and expands their reading choices.

7. Personalized bookplates or bookmarks: Design and create personalized bookplates or bookmarks to commemorate their reading milestone. They can include the child's name, the title of the book they completed, and the date of achievement. This special keepsake can be used in their future reading adventures.

Customized bookmark

8. Special outing to a bookstore or library: Plan a special outing to a bookstore or library to celebrate their reading accomplishment. Allow them to choose a new book as a reward or spend time browsing the shelves for their next reading adventure. This reinforces the joy and excitement of discovering new books.

9. Reading certificate or awards ceremony: Create a personalized reading certificate or award to recognize your child's reading milestone. Hold a mini awards ceremony at home, complete with a certificate presentation and celebratory applause. This formal acknowledgment can boost their confidence and pride in their reading achievements.  Here is a Free Reading Certificate you can print at home.

Free Download

10. Share their success: Share your child's reading milestones with friends and family members. Encourage them to talk about their favorite parts of the book, what they learned, or why they enjoyed it. This not only celebrates their accomplishment but also inspires conversations and recommendations among peers.

Remember, the goal is to celebrate and foster a love for reading, so choose activities and rewards that resonate with your child's interests and preferences. Celebrating their reading milestones reinforces their achievements and encourages them to continue exploring the wonderful world of books.

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Affiliate I may receive commissions on links in this blog.

Friday, July 7, 2023

10 Books About Camping

 10 Books About Camping

Here's a list of ten children's books that revolve around the theme of camping:

1. "A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee" by Chris Van Dusen

2. "Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping" by Mélanie Watt

3. "Curious George Goes Camping" by Margret Rey

4. "Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping" by Peggy Parish

5. "S Is for S'mores: A Camping Alphabet" by Helen Foster James

6. "Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night" by Cynthia Rylant

7. "Froggy Goes to Camp" by Jonathan London

8. "The Camping Trip That Changed America: Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, and Our National Parks" by Barb Rosenstock

9. "The Berenstain Bears Go To Camp" by Stan and Jan Berenstain

10. "Olivia Goes Camping" by Alex Harvey

These books offer fun and adventurous stories centered around the camping experience, perfect for young readers who are curious about outdoor adventures and nature. Enjoy reading and exploring the camping world through these delightful children's books!

Let us know what you think. Do you have a favorite camping book?

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links for which I may receive a commission.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

13 Books to Celebrate America

13 Books to Celebrate America

This Independence Day, explore great books and patriotic stories to honor the people and places that make our nation special.

1-"Oh Say Can You See?" by Sheela Keenan

3-"A True Book- The Founding Mothers of America" by Selene Castrovilla

4-"For Which We Stand" by Jeff Foster

5-"I Survived #15- I Survived The American Revolution" by Lauren Tarshis

6-"My First Biography-Abraham Lincoln" by Marion Dane Bauer

7-"We Have a Constitution" by Ann Bonwill

8-"I Am #5-George Washington" by Ms. Grace Norwich

*10-"The Night Before the Fourth of July" by Natasha Wing

*11-"Red, White and Boom" by Lee Wardlaw

*12-"Fourth of July Mice" by Bethany Roberts

*13-"Corduroy's 4th of July" by Don Freeman

The majority of this list was taken from the Scholastic Newsletter.

*This book is available to watch on our YouTube channel.

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Affiliate, I may receive a commission for links in this post and blog.

Friday, June 30, 2023

We Love Books

 We Love Books

One of the reasons Grandpa and I started our YouTube channel is to share our love for books with our grandchildren. We still have tons of children’s books from when our children were growing up and Grandpa still has some from his childhood. We couldn’t bare to get rid of them so we started reading them on YouTube.

We quickly realized that a read aloud book channel could benefit other children too. Our blog is meant to help parents understand the importance of reading to our children as well as share more about the books read. And to share great deals on books and other family items.

I strongly recommend having books available for your children to read. Access to books at home plays a crucial role in children's literacy development. Here are some general statistics regarding literacy and the presence of books at home:

1. Children with access to books at home tend to have better literacy skills. According to research, children who grow up in homes with many books score higher on reading assessments.
2. In low-income neighborhoods, the ratio of books to children is often significantly lower compared to higher-income areas. This lack of access to books can have a negative impact on literacy rates.
3. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, children who are read to at home and have access to books are more likely to perform well in reading proficiency tests.
4. The 2019 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) found that students who had more books at home scored higher in reading comprehension tests, regardless of their socioeconomic background.
5. Research from the United States Department of Education shows that children who have access to a variety of reading materials at home are more likely to become proficient readers.

These statistics highlight the importance of providing children with access to books at home to foster their literacy skills and overall educational development.

Amazon Prime Days are right around (July 11-12) the corner and I am going to share kids books which are 40% or more off their list price. 

How To Catch Dinosaur
How to Catch a Dinosaur

How to Catch a Unicorn

Mysteries of the Universe


Welcome Little One


The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes


Grumpy Monkey Up All Night




You're Always Enough


It's Not Easy Being a Bunny


Every Second

 Another great deal is Kindle Unlimited for 3 months Free. There are many children's books available on Kindle Unlimited.

*Disclaimer: As an Amazon Affiliate, I may receive a commission from links in this post and on the blog. Thanks. 

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Grandpa and I started our YouTube Channel on January 28, 2022. We wanted a way to read to our grandchildren, and It would be nice if other ...

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