Showing posts with label Grandparents Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grandparents Day. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Grandparents Day

 Happy Grandparents Day

There is a special relationship that can form between Grandparents and their Grandchildren. As a Grandparent, I treasure my relationships with my Grandchildren. Grandparents have already raised their children and the pressure that comes with that is lessened, thus we are able to have more patience and understanding than we may have had as young parents. We also have the advantage of experience to help in our interactions with our Grandchildren. We can also see things in a bigger picture. 

Our Grandchildren live far away from us, but we try our best to connect with them. We have phone calls or Marco Polo posts. We send small gifts (usually books) to them several times a year. We always remember them on their birthdays. (This is a big one for me because my grandparents did not always remember my birthday). We sometimes send coloring pages and letters (it is always fun to get something in the mail).

What are some things you do to connect with your grandparents/grandchildren? What do you wish your Grandparents would have done differently?

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Grandpa and I started our YouTube Channel on January 28, 2022. We wanted a way to read to our grandchildren, and It would be nice if other ...

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